The Suggs Lab

Lab News

Billy, Halah, & Sahil join the lab and Evelyn & Layanga return for the fall semester!


Layanga awarded second place at the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium!

Congratulations Layanga!

Layanga hired for a consumer R&D Co-op in the Kenvue team at Johnson & Johnson

Congratulations Layanga!

Undergraduate researchers Layanga Athalage & Evelyn Chinchankar join the lab for the spring semester

Welcome Layanga & Evelyn!

Elle passed her Qualifying Exam and will advance to candidacy!

Congratulations Elle!

Liz's "Cell-Inspired Biomaterials for Modulating Inflammation" was published in the Tissue Engineering Reviews. Congratulations Liz!
Jessica Widman successfully defended her dissertation!

"Shape Matters: Engineering Gold Nanoshapes to Investigate the Influence of Nanoparticle Shape on Biologic Interactions"

Alisha came in third place at the Undergrad Research Symposium!
Dr. Kraynak's "Apoptotic body-inspired nanoparticles target macrophages at sites of inflammation to support an anti-inflammatory phenotype shift" was published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Congratulations Chelsea!
Wenbai Huang successfully defended his dissertation! Congratulations Dr. Huang!
Alexander Noblett succesfully defended his dissertation! Congratulations Dr. Noblett!

Alex's publication "Controlling Nucleopeptide Hydrogel Self-Assembly and Formation for Cell-Culture Scaffold Applications" was accepted and published in ACS. Congratulations Alex!

Chelsea succesfully defended her dissertation! Congratulations Dr. Kraynak!